Full Moon in Scorpio: four ways to ride this three-day wave

Photo courtesy of Care_SMC via Wylio

Photo courtesy of Care_SMC via Wylio

Within and around you, the sky is full of the frequencies of metamorphosis. We’re still in the live energy field of last night’s Full Moon, when our beautiful Luna ripened to rich and revelatory fullness in Pluto’s sign of Scorpio.



 Each year’s Scorpio Full Moon resonates with the energy field of a prince who gave up his fortune and his power to set out on a quest for the meaning of life. After years of searching, he finally sat down beneath a fig tree and made a vow. Not until he’d seen the truth – the real truth – about suffering would he get up.


It took 49 days. The awareness that man – you know him as the Buddha — reached was such a breakthrough for our world that it’s still rippling down to you, in this very moment. If you boil it down, here’s what you get: Your suffering comes from clinging to what you want and shrinking from what you don’t. Stop it. Let go — into this moment, right now. Here’s where all the power that you need is. 


Welcome to the Buddha Moon. If there’s a single moon this year whose revelations can reach to your core and change your life with its breakthrough insight, this is the one. You haven’t made it through 33 months of seven squares between Uranus and Pluto for nothing. With three of four consecutive total lunar eclipses are behind you, you’re still riding a wave of revelation that’s already changed you forever.

Photo: Jeff Rowley via WylioFour Ways to Ride the Full Moon Wave

1. Stay right here. This moment is where the next step is signaling you.

Any Full Moon in Scorpio defines lunar intensity. At this one, Jupiter is dialing it all the way, with a precise right angle to both the Scorpio Moon and the Taurus Sun. Within you and around you, the energy is over the top – and ready to use. Pluto, ruler of this Moon, is exchanging the strong positive energy of a trine with the Sun and creating the new opportunity of a sextile with the Moon. All the power you need to take the next, transformative step is right here in this moment.


Doubling the power of this Full Moon is the fact that it comes at the midpoint between the solar and lunar occasions of Beltane. When our Star arrives at this halfway point between the Vernal Equinox and the Summer Solstice, the balance tips. From here on, life is leaning towards lushness and fertility, abundance and blessing.


As the potency of the seed gives way to the power of the fruit, Luna is showing you something big. Whatever that is, it’s just what you need to see if you’re going to bring your heart’s deepest intention into the three-dimensional reality of your life.   The lunar intensity is guiding you to the places where any of your life’s sweet, fertile abundance and blessing that you’re not feeling is trapped.Look for feelings of persecution, obsession, or rage. Don’t avert your gaze. When you find them, observe them carefully. Instead of backing away from the webs of bitterness and resentment, move towards them. That’s the energy that can feed your dreams — once you use the searchlight of the Buddha Moon to burn out the festering wounds.


That emotional potency is this Full Moon’s gift. Think of it as data. Everything you need to wake up – to what’s really going on, to who you really are, to what’s really possible for you, and what and where the obstacles are – is right here. It’s all around you, in this minute. And it’s also deep within you.

2. Tap the energy beneath the outer reality. 

Photo: Timwinter79 via Wylio

Photo: Timwinter79 via Wylio

What the Buddha changed wasn’t outer reality. His focus was the energy that is beneath that reality — consciousness.  After the mind-bending astrology we’ve all lived through, I’m betting that you understand that much better than you did a few years ago. Now it’s time for Phase Two. It’s time now to begin bringing that changed consciousness more fully into outer reality.


The Luna Buddha is bringing a lot to the surface for you to work with. Two of the most intensely dynamic energy patterns – known as T-squares — are creating tremendous urgency and power. Some of the signals are mixed, creating additional tension. Jupiter pulls at both the Sun and the Moon, dialing up the drama. Mercury has just moved beyond an exact opposition with Saturn. If you’ve felt stuck over the last few days, you can get beyond it now. There’s no need to swing from the optimism of Jupiter’s influence to the despair of Saturn’s. Take the Buddha’s advice: take the middle path. Walk between the two gurus of the sky within you and around you — Jupiter and his boundless optimism, Saturn and his shrewd practicality.

3. Live the questions.

Photo: Simon G via Wylio

Photo: Simon G via Wylio


The Buddha Moon set the stage for the second big re-think of 2015. Today,  Mercury enters the territory he’ll explore during his second journey beneath the surface of your life. It’s just two weeks away.  From now until May 18, the Cosmic Messenger is flagging the energy and experiences that will be up for a rethink from May 18-June 11.


Mercury’s retrograde through the first half of his own sign of Gemini guarantees that this will be a potent re-thinking indeed. The three weeks between May 18 and June 11 are likely to be full of crossed signals and miscommunications. They’ll also be packed with guidance as you integrate all that’s happened within and around you.  It’s probably more than you can fully comprehend — from the culmination of the Uranus-Pluto squares to the power-packed eclipses, for starters.


Meanwhile, a series of confrontations is unfolding between retrograde Saturn, the gatekeeper of our three-D reality, and the personal planets. Between April 15 and May 15, Venus, Mercury, and Mars are all facing off with the world as we know it. Those three carry the frequencies of how we think, what we want, and how you take action.  There’s a lot of rewiring and restructuring in process, and Mercury’s retrograde is just what you need to understand how to move through it.


When both Saturn and Mercury are retrograde, the structure of your reality and the way you think are under revision. Leave space for reconsidering, reworking, and re-doing. Take the advice of the poet Rilke:

  • Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now.


  1. Honor the Earth and tap her magic.

    Photo: Alice Popkorn via Wylio

    Photo: Alice Popkorn via Wylio

The Cosmos is powerfully supporting you this month to change your life in very real ways. Earth and air are the dominant elements in the sky throughout May. It’s important to take advantage of these grounded frequencies while we have full access to them. By the time of the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 2, that energetic grounding will be gone. Two weeks later, at the Gemini Full Moon on June 16, all the inner planets will be in the fire and air signs. Now is the time to move forward in concrete ways.

  • When you aren’t sure what to do this month, opt for the practical solution.


  • Take a page out of the Buddha’s book. The first thing he did after his breakthrough was to spend a week staring in wordless gratitude at the Bodhi tree. That’s exactly how to resonate more fully with Jupiter’s frequencies of blessing and grace. By connecting with gratitude to the grace of every moment, you resonate more fully with the multidimensional possibilities of the Cosmos within you and without you.


  • After communing with the Bodhi tree, the Buddha spent his next week of enlightenment in walking meditation — connecting with the embodied, transformational energy of our home planet through the soles of his feet. Staying grounded in the truth of your body allows you to access the wisdom stored in every cell and connect with the potency embracing you from within and without.  When you do, you unlock the power of this Scorpio Full Moon: the experience of yourself as the meeting place of- Heaven and Earth.