In the Heart of the Star of David: The Cosmic Feminine Renews Herself


An extraordinary pattern of cosmic energy took shape in the skies yesterday. Striking for its stunning geometric complexity, this pattern is known to astrologers as a Star of David..  Also known as a Star Tetrahedron and a merkaba, it’s said by some esoteric teachers to be an interdimensional vehicle of light.

Stars of David are short-lived phenomena.  The energetic shifts they bring about, however, are not.  Yesterday’s Star marks the end of a period that began over 20 years ago.  Since 1990, 13 Stars of David have formed. In their wake have come wars, assassinations, and other cataclysmic events — the Gulf War, the Iraq War, September 11, 2001, among them.

This Star differs fundamentally from the ones that preceded it. Both its power and purposes are those of the Cosmic Feminine:

1. Falling in the fertile, abundant energies of water and earth, its six component sextiles — the most creative aspect in the sky — elevate and empower the energies of the Cosmic Feminine.  The Moon is in Taurus, the ancient sign of the great goddess of the Earth. Venus is in Cancer, the ancient sign of the great Mother of the Cosmos.   Pluto is in Capricorn, the sign of antiquity, age, and wisdom.  Jupiter is in Cancer, the sign ruled by the Moon.  Saturn is in Scorpio, in collaborative, powerful mutual reception with Pluto.  Neptune is in Pisces, his own sign and the part of the sky where he is strongest.

2. Linking the energies of all 11 celestial bodies astrologically known as “planets” into one highly integrated energy pattern, this Star emanates with the coherence of an expanded level of consciousness. According to the ancient study of numerology, 11 carries the number of illumination and grace. Nested within the six-pointed Star itself are 11 separate geometric patterns:

  • two powerful and auspicious grand trines, one in the water signs (linking Neptune, Jupiter, and Saturn) and the other in the earth signs (linking Pluto, Venus, and the Moon).
  • two motivating, transformational kites (one between Saturn, Venus, and Pluto and the other between Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto)
  • three consciousness-expanding oppositions (between Venus and Neptune, Mars and Pluto, and the Moon and Saturn).
  • two dynamic and intense T-squares (one involving the Sun, Saturn, and the Moon, the other activating Mars, Uranus, and Pluto)
  • an exquisitely sensitive mystic rectangle (involving Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto)
  • a rare and powerful yod, or Finger of God (between the Sun, Neptune, and Pluto)

3. Highlighting the energies of Venus, the Moon, and Pluto, and those of the water and earth signs, this Star of David re-animates the most ancient story on earth–the transformational journey of the Feminine. The power this star seeds within us is the ability to re-imagine a fear-dominated world as the realm of the Cosmic Feminine, already returning everywhere to human consciousness.  The illumination and revelation this Star brings us  is of a fundamentally new way of life–not a conquest of domination and accumulation, but a participatory mystery of transformation.

The 2013 Star of David: A Hero in Service of the Cosmic Feminine

Named for the ancient Hebrew king who as a young boy slew a tyrannical giant with only a slingshot, the Star of David is renowned for its ability to manifest human consciousness in our world. In the 2013 Star, Mars, the Cosmic Hero, is in Cancer, the ancient sign of the Cosmic Mother of Life.  This is a hero in the service of the Feminine.

The 2013 Star of David , comes at a moment in history that is saturated on every level with potency.  It brings an ancient cosmic story of feminine transformation to the pivot point of history. It asks us to embrace the transformational process seeking to become the story of our lives.

A boundary marker on the path to Eleusis, where the most sacred rites of the ancient Greek world, the Eleusinian Mysteries were celebrated.  Their focus was the energetic transformation involving   Persephone (Venus in Virgo), the Demeter (Moon in Taurus), and Hades (Pluto).

A boundary marker on the path to Eleusis, where the most sacred rites of the ancient Greek world, the Eleusinian Mysteries were celebrated. Their focus was the energetic transformation involving Persephone (Venus in Virgo), the Demeter (Moon in Taurus), and Hades (Pluto).

Venus, Pluto, and the Moon: Reframing an Ancient Mystery

These three go way, way back, all the way to the Deep Time that lives within us still.  Then as now, their  relationship is primal, rooted in issues of feminine desire, sexuality, transformation — and power.

Venus is in Virgo, perhaps the most misunderstood in the zodiac and one of the goddess’ ancient signs.  In Egypt, this was the energy that was sacred to Isis. In Greece, it was the sign of the Persephone.  Everywhere it described the distinctly feminine mysteries of  transformation through an Underworld experience of descent, loss, and empowerment.

As it has come down to us from the Deep Time, the story of Venus, the Moon, and Pluto is told not through the perspective of Venus (or Persephone), the one to whom the main action actually happens.  Instead, we know the story through its effect on a powerful authority figure, her mother (the Moon, or Demeter) — a feminine authority, but an authority nonetheless.    Yesterday’s Star of David empowers us with another point of view, in which all three of the central characters are on more equal footing in the telling.

After her daughter was abducted suddenly by Pluto (then known as Hades) and taken away into the hidden realm of power and transformation known as the Underworld, Demeter plunged into a grief so profound that life itself was threatened.  Nothing grew on the Earth for so long that Jupiter (then known as Zeus and the supreme ruler of human consciousness and the world it created) himself intervened.

At Jupiter’s bidding, Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, traveled to the Underworld to cut a deal with Pluto.  (Surely then, as today, Jupiter and Mercury were both in Cancer, the realm of the Cosmic Mother.)

Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth, was the name the ancient Sumerians gave the planet Venus.  Inanna's descent to the Underworld is the oldest of the many stories on earth of a Divine Being's descent to, and return from, the Underworld.

Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth, was the name the ancient Sumerians gave the planet Venus. Inanna’s descent to the Underworld is the oldest of the many stories on earth of a Divine Being’s descent to, and return from, the Underworld.

In all the myths of the Deep Time, only glimpses of Persephone’s life independent of her mother are available to us.  What we see in those brief glimpses however, is a profoundly different picture than that painted by her mother’s experience. The Persephone in these other tales is no joyless, grieving, victim.  She is a queen in her own right, presiding over the deeply mysterious realm of power, sexuality, and regeneration.

Persephone, the Queen of the Underworld, is a woman who speaks directly to our times. Her happy but superficial existence as the daughter of the great Earth Goddess was disrupted by trauma.  The Earth literally opened beneath her feet.  The trauma became a gateway to a far more powerful existence.

Pluto's realm is beneath the surface,  the hidden source of power and transformation.

Pluto’s realm is beneath the surface, the hidden source of power and transformation.

Pluto and Neptune: The Power in the Depths

Pluto and Neptune are, with Uranus and Chiron, the planets who orbit the outer edge of our solar system. Into our small, somewhat obscure corner of the Universe, they bring energy from the  Great Mysteries that surround us.

Enlarging and transforming our consciousness and our 4175170098lives every time they make contact with us, Pluto and Neptne play key roles in the 2013 Star of David.  Neptune opposes Venus.  Confronting her from across the sky, the Cosmic Dreamer demands that we recognize the difference between the creative and destructive imagination, between life-giving inspiration and life-denying delusion.

Pluto and Neptune also form an energizing, motivating kite with the Moon and a powerful Yod, or Finger of God, with the Sun.  It’s not easy for the Leo Sun–the life giving center of our lives, strongest of all in the fire sign that he rules — to integrate the energies of Pluto and Neptune in the earth and water signs of Capricorn and Pisces. Despite the difficulty, this Yod confers extraordinary power.  If the Star at the center of our lives can meet the challenge that Pluto and Neptune bring, we can take an enormous evolutionary leap.

However prominent they are in our birth charts, however consciously we engage them in our lives, the very nature of these two mighty forces means that they are always largely unconscious.  We can only integrate so much at any one time.

When we are  mesmerized by secrets and mysteries, we are in their energy field.  When we are compelled by life’s depths, it is their call that we hear. Neptune and Pluto work on us like  magic, through an eperience of immersion that can be cleansing, purging, or overwhelming. They bring renewal, transformation, and sometimes dissolution.  We wil never master them – we can only serve them, and Life through them. No part of us understands this more completely than the receptive, creative, transformative Cosmic Feminine. 

By taking us deeply into the territory of the Feminine, this Star works its transformational magic not in the way our culture recognizes–fully visible, instantly present, and free of vulnerability, fear, pain, and loss. The deepest mysteries at work in today’s Cosmos are operating on an altogether different logic.


If we’re lucky, if we’re paying attention, if we’re staying open, we’ll see an opening, hear a clue, and follow.  And if we do, our lives will change.  Not in a blinding flash, but with the irrevocable power that the poet e.e. cummings observed in the coming of Spring:

 you and i may not / hurry it with /a thousand poems my darling / but nobody will stop it / With All the Policemen In The World.