33-Hour Void Moon in Pisces: Welcome, Year of the Snake

It’s the second day of the Year of Snake and a massive six-planet stellium in Pisces is saturating Planet Earth with the energy of the Oneness.  In Rome, the Pope has announced that he’ll be the first in 600 years to resign.  In the American Midwest, an Oklahoma pastor is suspended over a Keystone XL pipeline construction site protesting the greed that threatens life on both water and land. And across the world on Valentine’s Day, a billion women plan to rise in flash mobs to banish the energy of violence against women with their dancing. 

Before our eyes, the Cosmic Snake is dissolving the rigid structures that dominated the Age of Pisces into something altogether different. To give us time to align ourselves the shape-shifting nature of cosmic reality, Luna has gone Void of Course–for 33 hours, with five planets in Pisces.  From 12:04 p.m. (U.S. Eastern Time) on Monday until 8:53 p.m. (U.S. Eastern Time) on Tuesday, we’re in the creative void.  

The number 33 is not an ordinary number.  In the ancient wisdom tradition of numerology, 33 is one of the master numbers.  It’s associated with the Christ consciousness.  Cosmic awareness and global responsibility are its signatures.

The energy of 33  underlies the defining astrological signature of our lives, which began almost eight months ago and will continue for just over 25 months more.  From June 2012 through March 2015, Uranus the Awakener and Pluto the Transformer are changing our consciousness and our world forever, in seven powerful squares. This series of  cosmic events is unfolding over a 33-month period.

Over the next day and a half, an astonishing, seamless nexus of cosmic energy is turning our lives into zones of cosmic possibility.  Our part is to keep our feet on the ground, our eyes in the stars, and our hearts open to both dimensions. Here’s why:  the great stellium of Piscean energy is being

  • magnified by Jupiter the Blessing Giver,
  • creatively grounded by Pluto the Transformer, and
  • strengthened by Saturn the Manifestor (who is himself being challenged to evolve by Venus).

And Luna is in the Void.  We are there with her– deep in the Cosmic Void, way beyond what our linear minds can understand or begin to navigate.

You’re riding a wave that carries the energy of the infinite, along with everyone else on the plannet. Make no  mistake.  This is potent.  To ride it to its potential, you need to rely on our dreams and our hunches. You need to open to your woundedness and believe in redemption. You need to pray, in whatever way is absolutely real for you. 

You’re in a moment in your life where anything is possible, as long as you stay in the most authentic and potent part of your being–our hearts, drumming the future into being with the Cosmos. Get ready. The Year of the Snake has arrived.