An Amulet for You from the Guide of Souls

In a few hours, Mercury leaves Virgo and follows the Moon into the Cardinal Cross of the skies. Almost half the solar system will then be in the dynamic, change-oriented cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn).  Meanwhile Pluto the Transformer and Uranus the Awakener position themselves for the dramatic collision of their powerful vibrations that will occur in three days. This will be the second of seven world-changing encounters between these two mighty forces, and in the days ahead I will be writing more about what it means for our world and our lives.

As they depart the ancient sign of the Great Goddess, Luna and Mercury offer us gifts to carry into the powerful currents of change that lie ahead.  You can think of them as amulets, ancient charms inscribed with a symbol or an incantation, to help focus consciousness on the Light.

Luna’s amulet came with last night’s Blessing Moon.  We’re still in its energy field, charged with the pure and vibrant simplicity of our child hearts.  Today, Mercury adds his gift.  It’s a simple, powerful energetic message: focus on your purpose. Focus completely, with all of your being, on the reason you are here.