Cancer Full Moon: The Goddess Returns

Tonights Full Moon in Cancer is saturated with the transformative energy of the Cosmic Feminine.

Tonights Full Moon in Cancer is saturated with the transformative energy of the Cosmic Feminine.

Every Full Moon brings revelation. When the Sun turns its radiance on the Moon from across the sky each month, life itself answers.  A responsive surge flows into your life, from the deep current of intuitive lunar wisdom that runs beneath your conscious awareness.

Like the Capricorn New Moon that preceded it, this Moon is full of potency.  When the Sun and Moon merged their vibrations on New Year’s Day, Mercury and Pluto joined them.  Now, at the Full Moon, the solar and lunar energies come into the most conscious moment in their relationship — when they face each other head on each month.  At this Full Moon, both Moon and Sun are fully empowered.

* Within the last week, the Sun has erupted a massive flare of solar energy into our star system. Four days ago, when our Star merged vibrations with Venus, a new cycle in her relationship with the life-giving Light at the center of our lives began.

* Luna is in her own sign, Cancer. This is  the part of the sky that belongs to the Divine Mother and her watery energy of origins. Arising now from Cancer’s creative depths is a deeply creative process of re-union —  occurring in the Cosmic Feminine herself, within you and all around you.

It’s worth remembering the big picture unfolding all around us as we approach this magnificent Full Moon.  Since the long-ago promise made by the goddess Durga – who came in the Deep Time to save the Earth from destruction by demonic forces of greed, violence, and domination — the return of the Cosmic Feminine to human consciousness has been oft and long foretold.

A Full Moon Saturated With Shakti Power

Shakti is the ancient name that arose in India for the all-pervading feminine energy that is the very substance of all that is.  In India, it was used to describe the female body of the Universe.

Over the 5,000-year history of the culture of domination has been developing, awareness of this shakti power has been steadily diminishing.  Yet the further our memory of her as receded to the depths of our hearts, minds, and imaginations, the closer we have come to the long-prophesied return to our consciousness. The central drama in the great shift unfolding within us and around us all is this return of the Cosmic Feminine, to our awareness, our lives, and our world. Tonight’s Full Moon in Cancer takes us a step further, towards her embrace at the center of our lives.

The super-massive vortex of transformation at the heart of our galaxy bears the energetic signature of the Cosmic Feminine.

The super-massive vortex of transformation at the heart of our galaxy bears the energetic signature of the Cosmic Feminine.

Shakti Speaks: Eleven Goddesses, With Seven Questions to Free Your Heart

One of the keys revelations of today’s Full Moon is the sheer, prolific abundance of the Goddess.  With 11 key forms of the Cosmic Feminine at play, this Moon brings a veritable goddess reunion to your life. Whenever we see the number 11, we know that the vibration of illumination and intuitive revelation has been activated.  These are the ways that the Goddess is awakening within you and around you, bringing illumination and revelation as she does:

Five Planets & A Point of Mystery, Making Magic WIthin You

Five planets bring their energies into the Full Moon magic:

  •  Luna is in every way the center point of this transformative process of reunion. Intuitive, creative, dynamic, and tender, she embraces her dark and hidden sister, Black Moon Lilith, confronting her her sister Venus across the sky. 

Luna’s question:  How can you nurture the sister hidden within you?

  • Black Moon Lilith is not a planet, but a point of potent mystery in the Moon’s orbit that is furthest from the Earth. There she carries her treasure — a hidden reserve of  vibrant, primal passion and deep wounding that is stored within each of us. Lilith, who carries feminine energy so wild and free it can be wounded, but never subjugated.

 Black Moon Lilith’s question: What wounds have you suffered to protect the energy os wild and free it can never be subjugated?

  • Ceres, the most ancient planet in our star system — as old as
    Ceres was considered an asteroid when she was sighted in 1801 -- the first of thousands upon thousands of asteroids since discovered orbiting the Earth between Mars and Jupiter.  In 2006, however, after the discovery of Eris, Ceres was reclassified as a dwarf planet.  She is the most ancient feminine body in our star system -- as old as the Sun.

    Ceres was considered an asteroid when she was sighted in 1801 — the first of thousands upon thousands of asteroids since discovered orbiting the Earth between Mars and Jupiter. In 2006, however, after the discovery of Eris, Ceres was reclassified as a dwarf planet. She is the most ancient feminine body in our star system — as old as the Sun.

    the Sun.  One measure of the return of the ancient and ever-renewing Goddess to our  world is Ceres’ change in status, in 2006,  from “asteroid” to “dwarf planet” — the same status that Pluto now carries .  Her energy of nurturing can manifest either as life-supporting or as controlling and with-holding.  Tonight, she brings a question to your heart.

Ceres’ question: Can you nurture the wild free feminine without controlling or withholding?   

  •  Eris, the most recently discovered planet in our star system, who dwells at its furthest edge, beyond even the orbit of Pluto.  The paradigm-shatterer and Cosmic Truth-Teller, Eris has been regarded as the goddess of discord for 2,000 years.

The Seven Sacred Asteroid Sisters & Their Gifts

Seven goddess asteroids are activated at this Full Moon.  Each carries an entire dimension of the the banished Queen of Heaven’s complement of power:

  • Hekate, goddess of the crossroads and guide to those who are undergoing a transformation in the invisible realm.

Hekate’s question: Can you support the journey of metamorphosis, in yourself and those you love, by being present to the suffering and vulnerability of transformation without short-circuiting it? 

  • Pallas Athene, the carrier of whole-pattern wisdom who is less threatening — because less connected to the deepest, most embodied feminine power — than Medusa.

Pallas’ question:  Can you expand your consciousness to name and honor the deepest wisdom of the feminine — the wisdom that comes from vulnerability, suffering and metamorphosis?  


Venus, Mars, & Medusa: Giving Space to the Wisdom That’s Hard to Hea

Still close to the Sun from their embrace just four days ago is Venus, the Great Goddess of Love.  She’s nearing the end of her 40-day vision quest through the ancient depths of Capricorn. Only 16 days remain.  As she stands on the threshold of a whole new cycle, Venus pulled in opposite directions by two very powerful forces:

* Mars, the Cosmic Warrior and Venus’ most ardent lover, embodies the hot, assertive vitality of passion, conflict, and sexuality.  He’s in the early   part of an 8-month journey through Venus’ territory, the sign of Libra.  And this week he’s challenging the Goddess herself, pulling her energy and attention towards him and their relationship.

 Mars’ Question:  How can you be a more passionate warrior for Love, in your life and in our world?

*  Medusa is the goddess asteroid whose transformational power has long been feared and demonized by a culture of domination.  This week she pulls Venus and Mars to break new ground.  Today she’s across the sky from Mars. 

 Medusa’s Question: What is the wisdom that is hardest for you to hear, and to speak?

For Venus, this isn’t an either/or dilemma.  She — and you — must expand her consciousness of Love to embrace both intimacy and independence, harmony and the disequilibrium of transformation.

Venus’ Question: How do you allow the energy of transformation to enliven rather than destroy your relationships — with yourself, with others, and with the Cosmos? 

Proserpina, Psyche, & Persephone: Queens of the Invisible Realm of Power

This ancient carving depicts Persephone's removal from the sunlit world of her innocent youth.

This ancient carving depicts Persephone’s removal from the sunlit world of her innocent youth.

The path that the Feminine walks in this world can be best captured with one word:  transformational  All of her forms are variations of a shared energetic signature of  metamorphosis.  Tonight, her energy is exponentially multiplied, by three goddess asteroids who meet in the same degree of Capricorn to fuse their energy:

Psyche was the first woman to be made Divine, long ago, in the Deep Time when the energetic codes of our civilization were still being written. Unlike the men who had precedes her, Psyche did not achieve immortality because of a great and successful feat of daring and brilliance. In fact, each of her challenges was utterly beyond her.abilities. What softened the heart of the Cosmos itself was her complete and total willingness to follow the truth of her heart, even when it led her to attempt the impossible.  When we follow our hearts and attempt what seems impossible for the sake of what we love, we’re walking Psyche’s path through our lives.

Psyche’s Question:  Where are the limits of your love? 

On either side of Psyche at this Full Moon are two asteroids who carry later manifestations of the energy of the ancient Queen of Heaven, Inanna. (This was the name the Sumerians gave to the planet Venus). One of them is Persephone. The other is Proserpina.

The asteroid Persephone embodies the innocent young feminine within us all — whose destiny is to be transformed into the powerful queen of the invisible realm and its transformative mysteries.  Persephone goes back and forth between the worlds, renewing her life — and all of life — when she does.  When we find ourselves being pulled inward by depression, loss, or a compelling experience, we’re hearing Persephone’s call. 

Persephone’s Question: Where Is the feminine innocence within you waiting to be transformed into wisdom and power? 

On the other side of Psyche is Proserpina. She is the empowered queen who is Persephone’s destiny.

Proserpina’s Question: When do you know yourself as the powerful queen of the invisible realm?

Vesta and Eris: Serving the Paradigm-Shattering Truth of You

This stunning image of Vesta was made by NASA's Dawn Explorer.

This stunning image of Vesta was made by NASA’s Dawn Explorer.

Vesta and Eris represent two versions of the Cosmic Feminine that are difficult for us to recognize and embrace.  One is ancient, the other is the most recently discovered planet in our star system.  Vesta is the


The Cosmic Feminine, Your Life, & Our World 

Tonight, these ancient and ever-new forms of the Goddess become a more coherent and empowered cosmic force of feminine energy.  The lunar joy overflowing at this Full Moon springs from the depths.  It’s inviting your heart to open with compassion for all that is broken in us and in our world — and with the passion that is your birthright as a sentient being with intelligence and power in every atom.

Take a moment to honor the Mystery occurring all around you — and deep within you. Stand at a window. Go to a mirror. And bow. Bow deeply, from your heart, to the Mystery of life and of Love that you embody. It’s timeless – and it’s evolving.