Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio: Get Ready to Evolve

With today's Scorpio Lunar Eclipse, a surge of evolutionary energy that began 1,280 years ago comes bursting into your life.

With today’s Scorpio Lunar Eclipse, a surge of evolutionary energy that began 1,280 years ago comes bursting into your life.

With today’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, a surge of energy comes bursting into your life.  As the grounded, conservative Taurus Sun confronts the shamanic power of the Scorpio Moon,  something that’s been gestating beneath the surface comes into being, with the drama and surprise that birth always brings.

In the Buddhist world, the Scorpio Full Moon is known as Wesak.  Also known as the Buddha Moon, it honors the Buddha’s birth, his deeply transformative process of shedding illusions that we call “enlightenment,” and the death of his physical body.

This lunar eclipse takes the always intense energies of the Scorpio Full Moon and magnifies them. Themes of security and fear, defendedness and hostility are magnified by Saturn’s presence close to the Moon and Mars’ conjunction to the Sun.  So is the potentials for breakthrough, at a deep and lasting level.  It’s up to us.

If we want to point our arrows anywhere but towards our desire to shed the dead skin of our lives, we’ve got plenty of choices.  With not only the Sun and the Moon, but also Saturn and Mars, confronting each other, we can be harshly critical of ourselves or others.  We can be afraid of the world, of other people, or of the longing of our own souls.


Neptune at the Eclipse: New Birth through The Heart

Or we can tune into Neptune, the Cosmic Dreamer, and trust the process of Life that is unfolding within us.  Neptune’s strongly supporting the Moon’s deep, transformative energy with a trine, and he’s creating opportunity with the Sun’s energized and grounded sense of purpose, with a sextile.  Opening our hearts–to ourselves, to our world, and to the Cosmos–we can receive the inspiration, the vision, and the Love that we need.  It can show up as breakthrough, as divine intervention, as a blessing from the Universe.

The Scorpio Eclipse: A  Mystical Connection with Your Ancient Ancestors

This eclipse is full of power on its own.  It’s also a gateway to a season of deep and potent change–the vortex of a momentous shift occurring beneath the surface of all that lives on planet Earth.

Normally, we very rarely, experience on a visceral level the vast sweep of evolutionary change that is unfolding through our individual lives.  We don’t often get the chance to experience a sense of connection that’s both personal and mystical with our ancestors from a thousand or more years ago. Today, we can. For that, as for so much else, we can thank the Cosmic Dreamer.

Every eclipse belongs to a series of many others, which unfolds over centuries. These series, known as Saros cycles, were discovered by the astrologers of a part of what is now Iraq, known in the ancient world as Chaldea. Through their detailed observation and highly developed mathematical skills, the Chaldean astrologers mapped and dated series of eclipses stretching across a thousand years and more.  They discovered that periods of 18 years and 11 days separate each eclipse in a single series.  They called these periods “saros.”

The April 25, 2013 Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, for example, is part of a series that began 1,280 years ago.  The new energy that is rising up into your life through today’s eclipse is directly connected to the energy that came into the world on May 20, 859.–and to the last eclipses in this series, which occurred on  April 4 , 1977 and April 15, 1995.

Stop for a moment and think about that.  What’s unfolding today is linked to the events in April of 1977 and 1995.  And those times were, like this one, connected to the year 859.

The wave of Viking exploration was rolling over western Europe when the energy of today's eclipse began to unfold through time.

The wave of Viking exploration was rolling over western Europe when the energy of today’s eclipse began to unfold through time.

That was a year when the great wave of Viking exploration was rolling over Europe. Norwegian Vikings had already sacked Paris and in England, they had taken York. Ireland and Scotland were already plundered.  By the end of the 9th century, the Vikings would have established kingdoms in England, Iceland, and the Duchy of Normandy in France.

Elsewhere in Europe, the Holy Roman Empire was already beginning to fragment, and Christian rulers had already begun to conquer the pagan Danes, Poles, Czechs, and Magyars.

Buddhism was established across Southeast Asia, and the messages Muhammad had received form God in his cave south of Mecca were already 250 years old.  The Diamond Sutra, the world’s oldest printed book, had been published the year before this Saros series 112 began.

The world of 859 was only beginning to discover itself–just as in a very profound way, the world of 2013 is only beginning to discover all that it is part of, from the deep interior to the vast regions of the Cosmos.  Similarly, in 859, the travels of Marco Polo through central Asia were four centuries in the future.  The voyages to the Americas and India were over six centuries away.

The chart cast for the first eclipse in a series reveals the evolutionary purpose of the entire series. It shows us the quality of energy that links us to that long-ago time, an energy that still lives within us.  Australian astrologer Bernadette Brady, an international authority on the Saros series,  writes:

“This series is about the release of tension. A situation which has been lingering will suddenly clear. In the clearing of the problem there is also a sense of grief or loss which is not so much personal as belonging to a group or collective.”

For more clues about the purposes of today’s eclipse in our own lives, we can also look at the last times that eclipses occurred in 5 degrees of Scorpio, the point in the sky where  today’s eclipse takes place:  April 1986 and  2005.

Life’s Evolutionary Journey: Unfolding through You

What happened in your life in these earlier springs of 1977 and 2005, 1986  5312752960and 2005?  Think about how those times are energetically connected with the issues you’re confronting now.  You’re going deeper now, and expanding further into the Universe.  You’re following a trail of energy that began long, long ago–in the days of the Vikings and the time of the Diamond Sutra. Travel safely and boldly, with an open heart and a courageous spirit.  You have the energy of over a thousand years behind you.