Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra: The Red Moon of the Goddess Arrives

The way light bends around the Moon's curves at a total lunar eclipse makes every one a red moon, sometimes known as a blood moon.

The way light bends around the Moon’s curves at a total lunar eclipse makes every one a red moon, sometimes known as a blood moon.

It’s been six years since Pluto moved into Capricorn — or just over five, if you start with November 2008, when he returned after his first, brief visit from January-June earlier that year.  Since then, the structures of our world have not stopped shaking.  Three years later, in March 2011,  after a 3-month early activation in the spring of 2010, Uranus, the Cosmic Awakener, moved into Aries.  Ever since, he’s been seeding a new reality within us and around us

Almost two years ago, in June 2012, these two mighty change agents squared off for the first of seven energetic clashes.  When they did, they plunged us into a vortex of life-changing, world-changing energy that will remain “live’ for 33 months, until March 2015.

This week’s Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra lights the spark for the most intense portion of the 33-month Uranus-Pluto period – for the world, and also for you.


Total Lunar Eclipse:  The Red Moon

 Like all total Lunar Eclipses, this one is a “Red Moon,” sometimes known as a “Blood Moon.”  When the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow, our atmosphere bends the Sun’s light around Luna’s curvature — and she takes on a red hue.   Some have associated the Blood Moon with omens of violence and war. The Moon, however, is one of the primary carriers of the Cosmic Feminine within you and around you.  Her purpose is not to make war, but to create and sustain life.

The feminine relationship with blood is not about violence, but about the shedding that is part of life.  A Red Moon signals a deep inner process of letting go all that can no longer nurture life, so that we may conceive and give birth to the future

The entire, dramatic sight of this Red Moon eclipse– like watching an entire moon cycle in just a few hours — will be visible throughout the U.S. and most of Canada, between 12:53 a.m. and 5:33 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, April 15, with totality occurring at 3:06 a.m. EDT

All lunations, and especially eclipses, intensify magnetic shift taking place within the Earth and within us all.  Emotional currents are turned way up, and the energies are strongly polarized and extreme in every way.


A Gathering of Goddesses 

Energetically, this Lunar Eclipse in Libra is all about the Cosmic Feminine.   As the ruling planet of Libra, Venus, the great goddess of love, art, abundance, and justice, is the eclipse’s ruling energy.  And while she’s pulled at all sides by a dynamic and volatile Cardinal Cross forming around her — with both Mars and Pluto retrograde and at odds with Jupiter and a fiery Uranus conjunct Mercury —  she’s also surrounded by goddesses:

* Ceres, the Great Earth Mother, is in the same degree as the Moon, doubling Luna’s nurturing energiies with her fierce commitment to life.  

* Vesta, the Priestess, will be at Ceres’ side, in the same degree as the Moon’s North Node, our evolutionary GPS — reminding u that it is our reverence and devotion that carries the auspicious energy of our good future.  

Hekate, the Seer, who guides all at the crossroads and supports those undergoing transformative experiences in the invisible realm, is at Luna’s other side.

Hekate also enhances our ability to see past and future, to partake of “magical speech” (the meaning of the word “Hekat” in Egyptian).

 Hekate is our guide through the place where life is regenerated within us and around us – the fertile and dynamic Void, where  both positive and negative energies shapeshift and familiar forms and patterns fall apart.  She helps us trust the dark, where the vision that inspires renewal is to be found.  Wherever this Red Moon falls in your inner sky, Hekate’s wisdom is rising, 

The great stars Spica and Arcturus infuse this Libra Red Moon with their Radiant power.

The great stars Spica and Arcturus infuse this Libra Red Moon with their Radiant power.

A Star Powered Eclipse

Two mighty stars are also in the picture, infusing their powerful stellar energy into this eclipse:

 * Arcturus, the 4th brightest star in the sky — and believed to have played a key role in the fabled Atlantis. Known in ancient times as the Driver of the Bear (Ursa Major).  Arcturus conjunct the Moon has been associated with success in business, friendship, and domestic harmony.

* Spica, the star in the hand of the Virgin Goddess who is the constellation of Virgo.  Spica’s energy is the food that the Goddess feeds us.  Spica has also been associated with Ishtar, an ancient form of the Queen of Heaven.

The Red Moon Birth Canal

Despite the immense gifts this eclipse brings, however, its energy pattern is extremely volatile, and riding its intense waves will be quite tricky for many of us.  The Cardinal Cross that will begin to form on April 16 will bring intense and dynamic pressure to the parts of your life where it falls in your inner sky.

At the Libra Red Moon, were all birthing the future.

At the Libra Red Moon, were all birthing the future.

 Holding Space for the Future

The most important thing that you can do as you enter this portal is to hold space in your heart and mind for the good future that our hearts and souls know is possible – and to keep your intention clear and firm to help bring that world into being.  A tremendous amount of fear is presently flooding the planet, keeping our world in an energetic vise grip. 

The Earth and our own futures need us now to hold space for Love, the most powerful force in the Universe.

To do this as you ride the energetic white water ahead will require that you stay grounded and centered. That means

  • taking good care of your body
  • keeping your schedule as open as you can to process and integrate the energies, and most importantly,
  • keeping your connection with Source at the center of your life.

Only with your feet on the ground, your head,  in the stars, and your awareness in your heart can experience your reality as the meeting place for the realm we call Heaven and the realm we call Earth.  And that is the place — where you experience the reality of both the inner, invisible Cosmos and the outer, manifest Cosmos — where your evolutionary destiny unfolds into your life. That is the place where, whatever you gender, your birth the miracles of the Goddess.

For information about special offers on readings during the April eclipse season, email or sign up for my mailing list on this site.