Uranus in Aries, 2013: Your Quantum Wake-Up Call

A spiral galaxy 50 million miles away from Earth, in the portion of the sky we call Aries.

A spiral galaxy 50 million miles away from Earth, in the portion of the sky we call Aries.

Somewhere in your inner sky, the cosmic fire-power at your core was ignited last week.  As the Sun crossed the Aries Point, the fieriest point in the sky, Uranus, the Cosmic Liberator, returned to 8 Aries. That’s a degree of the sky that will be known for centuries to come in the history of astrology.

This is the degree Uranus occupied on June 24, 2012, at the first of his seven world-changing squares with Pluto, the Cosmic Regenerator.  As Uranus returns to this degree, something huge is being re-activated. Something global.  And something very, very personal.

Two days later, Mars the Warrior joined Uranus in 8 Aries.  For the rest of March, the three fieriest planets—the Sun, Mars, and Uranus–will be within 2 degrees of each other in the fieriest sign in the sky. Together, these three bring a blast of quantum energy to the cosmos–within you and  around you–that can only be called electrifying.  

The next three weeks bring the Sun, Mars, and Uranus--the three fieriest planets in the solar system--together in Aries, the zodiac's fieriest sign.

The next three weeks bring the Sun, Mars, and Uranus–the three fieriest planets in the solar system–together in Aries, the zodiac’s fieriest sign.

They’re waking us up to Reality.  Yes, that’s reality with a capital R.  To do full justice to the magnitude of this unfolding energy, let’s bold-face and italicize it. What’s waking you up–through illumination, excitement, disruption, crisis, or conflict, whatever it takes–is Reality.  This isn’t Saturn’s cautious status quo.  This is the 200-proof, infinite cosmic potential that Uranus carries.

This week, the quantum fire spreads throughout the Cosmos.  In fact, for the next three weeks, four planets journeying through Aries–the Sun, Venus, Uranus, and Mars–are burning through whatever is blocking your path.  Across the sky, the Libra Full Moon early Wednesday morning (5:27 a.m. EDT in the U.S.) turns up the heat.   

Tomorrow’s post will take a closer look at the powerful role that Luna and Venus are  about to play in these cosmic fireworks, beginning with Wednesday’s Full Moon.  First, let’s get clear about what makes this journey through Aries different from all others, to paraphrase the ancient Passover question.

Uranus in Aries: Awakening the Source Power of You

Aries is always exciting.  It’s the nature of the zodiac’s first sign to blaze new trails and break new ground. For the next seven years, however, the cosmic fire of the Awakener takes the Aries vibration to a new order of magnitude.  As he travels through the zodiac’s most passionate sign, Uranus begins a new cycle in his cosmic mission– awakening our consciousness and thus liberating our lives.

Until March 2019, all of us are being awakened, to the potency and 4880254817urgency of the new beginning that is ready to burst forth in our lives and in our world.  How deep can it go?  As deep as you’re willing to take it.

In Aries Uranus is waking us up to the energy of the Beginning, of the Now. He’ll use whatever he can to do it.  He’ll bring the breakdown that leads to the breakthrough.  He’ll awaken a deeper and more authentic sense of power.  He’ll liberate you from the ghosts of your past. This is revolution–but revolution of a kind we’ve never seen on earth before.  It’s big, yes.  It’s global, for sure.  And it’s very, very personal.

To our all-too-familiar if often uncomfortable reality, Uranus usually seems to ask the impossible of us,  Rather, it would have seemed impossible before he showed up.  For the Awakener demands that we find the place inside us where nothing is impossible.  That is the very place in you that he’s energizing now.

A Connection to Source as Utterly Unique as You

And how do we do find it? The great Indian mystic of the first half of the 20th century, Ramana Marharshi, gives us a clue that couldn’t be more Uranian:  Give yourself up to the original cause of your being. “Do not delude yourself by imagining this source to be some God outside you. One’s source is within oneself. Give yourself up to it. That means that you should seek the source and merge in it.”

What is that “original cause,” and what does it mean, exactly to “merge in it”?  Because each one of us is a unique expression of the cosmos, each one of us experiences this differently. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to the one-of-a-kind way in which each one of us expresses the Cosmic Source.

Your own, utterly unique connection to the Divine Spark–that’s exactly where the Cosmos is leading you.  The trail consists of a series of encounters taking place over the last 10 days in March.  Into Uranus’ electrifying embrace will come Mars with his passion; the Sun, with his star power, and Venus, with her magnetic capacity for love and relatedness.

These meetings may take the form of inner encounters–with our emotions, our health, or our creativity.  Or you may find they come to you through others who excite you, disrupt you, stir your imagination and your soul, and awaken you, through delight or discontent, to new dreams and new longings.

However the Awakener comes to you, make space to recognize him.  Because when he triggers your Source energy, you will know it.  And you will know where to go for the desire, passion, and courage you need to come more fully alive than ever before.

Creating the Bridge to Your Future

With the powerful energy of the Uranus-Pluto squares, we're building the bridge to our future as we walk across it.

With the powerful energy of the Uranus-Pluto squares, we’re building the bridge to our future as we walk across it.

Make no mistake.  Finding your unique and authentic connection to Source  energy is an act of daring.  It requires courage.  And you’re being pushed to do it for the same reason I am:  evolution–yours, mine, the planet’s, and the Universe’s–requires it.   We live in a time when there’s no other way to get to the future except to build the bridge to it.

The next dynamic and challenging encounter between Uranus and Pluto takes place on May 21.  We’re not only crossing the bridge during these weeks when the cosmic fire surges through our lives. We’re building the bridge.  What will happen on May 21 depends on what happens now.

4566807192Here’s a recap of the key dates.  On these days, you want to make space to be aware–whatever that means to you.

  • From March 21 until April 6, Uranus will reactivate the energy of his first meeting with Pluto last summer.
  • On March 27, a Full Moon in Libra will carry the fire throughout the zodiac, making it all very real and very personal for each of us.
  • On March 29, the Sun and Venus will merge their energies with the Awakener’s.  We’ll be deepening our ability to integrate the changes that were set in motion nine months ago and that will continue to accelerate within us and around us for two more years.

What’s underway is some very intense and extremely high-frequency cosmic alchemy.  The Universe couldn’t be more clear.  It’s time for us all to begin to get clear about the depth and power of the Source energy within us, and within everything.